Thursday, October 23, 2008

Uh oh Kyle pants!

So we were running from my room to the kids to get Emily when Kyle exclaims " uh oh Kyle pants!" and I turn around to see this!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

boys and girls

Seeing the differences between Kyle & Emily are pretty striking sometimes! This morning I was just amazed at how "boy" Kyle is and how "girl" Emily is. I know there is the nature v. nurture debate, but they have been so boy and so girl from the beginning. So this morning as I was doing the dishes, Emily comes excitedly running over to me with a pink purse she found asking if she can bring it with her to music class. Meanwhile, Kyle was sitting in the corner near the blocks using it as an obstacle course for his car to drive over, going bump, bump, bump!


Kyle did this a while back and proclaimed "hiding!" It was hysterical!! We tried not to laugh and were bummed we didn't get it on camera. Needless to say we weren't going to ask him to do it again so we could take a picture. Well this morning at breakfast, Emily started doing this and exclaimed "Emily taking boogers out!" and Kyle quickly mimicked her. With my trusty phone camera nearby I took quick snapshots of both of them to capture this moment!

a running theme...

So there is a common theme here... I am slacking on this blog... we've just been having too much fun to stop and write and post pictures, but I will do my best to give some highlights of the past few weeks / months!

So first, the kids are loving having Spike and Shasta around. During the day, Shasta is a good source of amusement for the kids. They like using Shasta as a driving course for Kyle's green tractor and Emily's Dora bus. Furthermore, they play doctor with Shasta. They gave her surgery the other day to remove her belly button, like they do with one another or us. With scissors of course! Shasta doesn't seem to mind one bit!