Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Someone taught Kyle & Emily to count in Spanish!! Sadly, I don't know if it was their babysitter who is from Argentina and speaks fluently and is just amazing or if they got it from a toy that also counts in Spanish or if it is from Dora. Nonetheless, we love it! I had no idea they knew it until about 3 weeks ago when Kyle was taking pieces of cheese and salami from his plate and putting them on the counter and counting - "uno, dos, fres, waffle, cinco!" I was putting away dishes but heard this and spied as he did this. I asked him to repeat because it was so amazing! He did and proudly counted again in Spanish! Now loving that "cuatro" is "waffle" I called in Jeff so he could hear it! Now when we ask him to count, he knows we just want to hear him say waffle, but he amuses us and loves showing off his Spanish counting skills. And Emily, too, knows how to count in Spanish, but she actually says "cuatro" and is very proud of her counting.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


So as you can imagine, life with two 2-year olds can be quite crazy sometimes! Let's just say this past week was quite a memorable one for the craziness!! Emily got the flu. Kyle got the flu. We (Kyle) used our first barf bag on the airplane - and successfully I might add! Emily fell down the steps (4+) and banged up her face - mostly rug burn near her eye that has healed nicely. Kyle fell down the steps (just 2) and ate the ground and has bruised gums and a fat lip. So crazy all at once!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We are having a great time in Boston. Kyle & Emily are loving playing with Jadon. The weather has been amazing! It's November and it's in the 60s here! It is supposed to get colder, but we are really enjoying the nice warm weather for sure! And the kids are loving the fall colors and leaves.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008


We are spending Halloween in Boston with Kyle & Emily's cousin, Jadon. We went to Beacon Hill to trick or treat and it was a great time. The kids LOVED it!! Emily was Princess Aurora. Jadon was a duckie. Kyle was supposed to be a knight, but he wanted nothing to do with his costume so we went as himself and carried a guitar.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

3 little monkeys...

climbing in a tree... So we're in Boston with Kyle & Emily's cousin Jadon and we're all having a great time. This morning, Jeff & Eric took the kids for a picnic in the park. It was nearly 60 degrees out! In Boston! In November!! Woohoo!! (That also meant a great run for me and Stephanie!) Here is a great picture of the kids climbing in a tree.