Recent travels took us to Chicago for a week of family fun festivities.

Kyle sitting with Daddy in front of Emily and me on the plane.

Emily enjoying her peanut butter sandwich. The kids were so hungry that day. It's a good thing we packed so much food because (1) we were delayed 2.5 hours, (2) we had snack and dinner times to contend with, (3) naps were super short because of our travels though 1 hour of it was at home in their bed and (4) they were up until midnight that night with all of the transport. And I might add they did wonderfully with such a long day. I suspect though frequent meals (that they asked for) kept them even keeled.

Waiting for Daddy to come with the rental car, Emily was cold so she has on her jacket, my jacket and Deedee and seal in her jacket to help keep her warm.

Kyle (unintentionally) testing out how well the car seat is padded. Turns out quite well. He thought it was hilarious and wanted to keep doing it. For those of you who watched the silly sit-com "Dinosaurs" way back in the day, it was like the baby dinosaur saying "AGAIN! AGAIN!" when something silly would happen or someone would get bonked.

Firewoman Emily! Grandma had the day off on Thursday so we went downtown to the Navy Pier Children's Museum which has a reciprocal relationship with our Science Museum membership. That place is HUGE! It's about the same size as the Indy Children's Museum which is absolutely amazing. Anyhow we had a blast there Thursday morning climbing, bowling, driving, turning, drawing, and running from the huge school groups.

Kyle on his rolling pin chair. Quite a concept!

Turning the crank to send his helicopter blades up high to see how it twirls to the ground.

Emily climbing the rope / boat / tube course

Kyle scooting down the rope bridge. He was a little tentative the first time, but then loved it.

Emily working with the pulleys for the water buckets.

Grandma's neighbor's tire swing, wheeee!!

Grandma follows American Idol and one of the finalists and eventual winner, Lee DeWyze, who is from Mount Prospect, was having his homecoming concert. So Kyle & Emily went to their first adult concert (they've been to kiddie concerts by Hullabaloo).

After spending a few days with Grandma, we went to Papa's house for a few days. All of Jeff's brothers and their families were in town too as Papa and Kari were getting married. They had the great idea to put a bounce house in the back yard for the weekend and what a hit it was! Kyle, Miko & Emily enjoying the bouncy house slide in Papa's back yard!


Emily & Jadon off to the races

Kyle & Ben enjoying pigs in a blanket and some edamame.

Emily enjoying her pig in a blanket.

Kyle, Ben, Emily & Jadon posing in front of the bounce house after the wedding.

Family picture. Emily is the only girl on Jeff's side! He has all brothers and his brothers each have 2 boys!