Thursday, June 30, 2011

Splash pad

Now this was awesome! The Middleton Splash Pad! Of course it was a blazing hot day. And we had errands to run, but this was out in the same direction so we headed here for a "something fun". Kyle and Emily were hesitant at first because the water was cold, but it was nearly 100 degrees outside! Eventually they warmed up and couldn't get enough of it! There should really be more of these everywhere! I mean the kids get to cool off and play in the water without the same hazards as a pool.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Madison Children's Musuem

The Madison Children's Museum is pretty amazing! We had been to the old one which was maybe 1000 square feet and sort of lacking. Their new location is something else. It's absolutely amazing. They have used the new space - much larger I might add - so wonderfully and thought of everything. The first time we went, we didn't make it past the first floor. Kyle and Emily were entranced. There was a water contraption that they could manipulate which captured their attention for at least 45 minutes. Seriously, I don't know if I've ever seen them concentrate on something like that in a museum before. Whenever someone with kids comes to visit us, we will make sure to hit the Children's Museum because it really is a top tier children's museum.
Kids in the hamster wheel - quite a fun experience!

Miko's birthday

Apparently today is Miko's birthday. According to Kyle, "He's turning 20, no 30, no 21, no 22. Miko is turning 22. And he's having a party, a surprise party, no not a surprise, and it's going to be 5 hours. No 6 hours! And I got him a cat squinky, a monkey book, a monkey pillow and Emily's unicorn to use as a pillow."
And what better a cake to have for a monkey's birthday than banana cake that Grandma made!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New activities

New city = new surrounds = new activities.

One such activity is bunk bed drawer cars. Beep beep!
Computer games
Tennis days

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Grandma's visit

Our first weekend here, we were thrilled to have visitors! Grandma drove up from Chicago for the day on Sunday! It was great to get out on Sunday since Kyle and I were in on Saturday since he was sick. So Sunday, we went on a nice bike ride along the lake and then played in a grassy area. Emily created a mini baseball game with Grandma with a stick she found. Kyle and I played catch with me and Grandma. We finished our afternoon with brunch (at 2:30) at Josh's restaurant.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Madison bikers

One of the first things in getting set up here in Madison was getting bikes. Having one car to get around and loads of bike paths around us, bikes are a necessity. So Day 1, we got bikes for the kids. They were pretty excited to get new bikes for the summer here. Only trouble is there is weather here. Like rain and thunderstorm weather. And humidity. So some days our "something funs" may just be biking down in our parking garage. 

Funny story - as we were coming home from our errands, I was asking Kyle and Emily for help carrying everything up to our apartment. And describing how when we live in an apartment, it's harder to get things inside because we have to carry it upstairs to our place, rather than just into our house. Now we have an elevator and multiple trips that are trips, not just runs in and out. Much more effort. Then Emily geniously pipes up, "We are like Curious George! He lives in an apartment! And so do we now! One time when it was the Man in the Yellow Hat's birthday, George had a hard time carrying everything upstairs too! So we are monkeys just like George!" Yes, we are monkeys!
Emily's new wheels in our parking garage
Kyle's new wheels
Kyle and Emily garage biking

The following day, we decided we should just get out and bike, rain or no rain. We can dress for the weather. Kyle got a new monkey poncho. Emily has an adorable pink rain coat. Clearly, Kyle was super excited about his poncho.
New monkey poncho - a necessity at breakfast
Biking in the rain

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bunk beds

After over a week of absolute craziness, we have arrived. And thanks to Josh and Stephanie, they gave us the most amazing welcome gift - bunk beds for the kids. To say we were excited is an understatement. Each week, the kids switch up who gets the top bunk as that seems to be the favorite one - probably has to do with being able to climb up a ladder.
And here is Kyle totally passed out adjusting to the time change / making up for lost sleep time. He was completely passed out as evidenced by the fun I had decorating him with all of his monkeys. He did not budge.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Home Depot

A bonus Home Depot Saturday event! And what's more, Folkers was here for a visit so he got to experience the fun that is Home Depot Saturday. Added bonus, Jeff was able to talk with the Home Depot people to figure out what we need to do about our (kid's) flooded bathroom...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Preschool pictures

These are the kids pictures from preschool this year. The parents of one of their classmates are wedding photographers so they came in and did the class pictures. They turned out amazing if you ask me!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Kyle chopping

Kyle loves to help with the chopping. He's got some pretty decent chopping skills. Onions seem to be his favorite to chop which is good because they don't move around as much as say carrots. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hand holding

This was just cute. I was driving (clearly - but actually stopped at a stop light for this picture) and the kids were happily holding hands in the back seat. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Disney cars

Not quite the movie because it's not out yet, but our last trip to Disneyland for the summer before the crowds hit. The kids were excited to drive and also to show Daddy their driving skills.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Last day of preschool

Yesterday was a big day for Kyle and Emily - it was their last day of preschool. They have had a WONDERFUL year of preschool. They have learned so much and had so much fun doing so. I know it's only their second year of school, but they had a fabulous teacher - one of the best teachers I have seen in a long time. She genuinely loves each and every student and takes their success very seriously. If only they could have her as a teacher every year. 
Emily lined up
Going inside
Emily heading in. Kyle needed some coaxing.
Kyle getting one more purr from Miko who goes to a different preschool ;-)

So for their last day, the parents were invited for a nice program. They first started with their tennis exposition. The kids got to show off all the tennis skills they learned over the year. Their skills and coordination has come a long way! 

Emily warm up

Kyle warm up
Kyle & Emily at the net
Emily volley
Emily serves
Kyle's volley
After the tennis exposition, we went inside for another program. The kids performed several really cute songs on stage that were more than just singing a song. Having such a great teacher, the songs also worked on different skills such as motor control (one finger, on thumb, etc. song); alphabet (zoo phonics song); and whistling (Mr. Golden Sun song). 
On stage ready to sing
Emily on stage
Kyle on stage
Mr. Golden Sun
ABC Zoo Phonics song
Finger song
Finally, the kids were each presented with an award, unique to each individual. Emily was the shining star and Kyle was the reading star. The videos below give all the details about the award as their teacher presented them.
Emily getting her award
Emily checking out her award
Kyle getting his award
Kyle reading his award to the audience

Kyle checking out his award
The class with their awards
Kyle and Emily with their amazing teacher

Ball game song

We just found this video again. The kids were 2.5 in this video singing "Take me out to the ball game" during the winter at Grandma's house. It's beyond cute! And it's amazing how similar they are now, yet so different with age. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mommy piggyback

This was fun. The other day it was time to head upstairs for naps. Emily was too tired to walk... and so was Kyle. So Emily jumped on my back for her ride up. And I thought, "why not, Kyle jump on too." And so he did. And here is what a double piggyback looks like. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. And they both seemed relatively comfortable. I kinda liked having two monkeys on my back.