Thursday, October 27, 2011


Kyle and Emily will be the proud big brother and big sister to a baby brother coming early March! We are all quite excited about this little guy. Here are a few pictures from around 19 weeks. 
Confined space... but not nearly as confined as Kyle and Emily had it!! 
Just sleeping and purring like his big brother Kyle
 Little (big) baby feet! And you can see toes! 
Deep thoughts

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kyle playing tennis

Once a week, the kids have half days of school back here in San Diego (yes, I know I missed the Kindergarten pictures - take 2 post, but sadly didn't take pictures the second start). The past few weeks we have been taking the opportunity to play som tennis together. Kyle has really gotten back into it and Emily is getting there as well. 

This video is from early October. He liked to hit it on the second bounce. Since then, he goes for the first bounce, as it's played in the game, and has some very strong hits. He gets frustrated with me because I can't move fast enough to get his power shots. I know I'm biased, but he's doing very well with tennis. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Earning a pouch

Kyle is on a roll lately with the things he's said.

Kyle: I'll just sleep in grandmas room so I don't wake you in the middle of the night
Me: great. You know when the baby comes it will wake me in the night to eat
Kyle: That's just crazy
Me: Well it has a small tummy so can't hold enough food to last super long between meals
Kyle: What will you feed it?
Me: Milk. I'll give it milk.  My body makes milk when the baby is born.
Kyle: How?
Me: When a mommy has a baby her body can make milk
Kyle: Wow that's crazy. But I can't make milk because I can't have babies because I don't have a pouch. But Emily does. Or she will when she grows bigger. She has to grow bigger to earn a pouch.

Kyle's thoughts on chivalry

I had the following conversation with Kyle and Emily today at lunch over a delicious bowl of clam chowder soup and crab sandwiches.

Emily: Mama can I have some of that soup?
Me: yes
Kyle: can I?
Me: Yes, but I am going to have some first.
Emily: Can I have some next?
Me: Yes
Kyle: But I wanted to be next.
Me: I thought you were being chivalrous
Kyle: [whines]
Me: Ladies first
Kyle: Then I wanna be a lady.