Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I took Aaron to the zoo to see the monkeys before our passes expired. He was pretty entertained by them. We watched Kyle's favorites, the capuchins. There were quite a few of them out and they were somewhat active. We also checked out the gorillas and orangutans. 
What Aaron thinks of the monkey business

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kyle competitive tennis

This was fun watching Kyle play tennis at class today. I think he said the game was called around the world. The kids had to hit the ball to the other side and then run to that other side and get in line to hit it to the next kid. They started off with probably 6 or 8 kids, but as it got fewer and fewer, you had to run faster and faster. When it was just the last 2 kids, they had to spin around between shots. Here is Kyle taking the crown on the last rally. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bike angular momentum

I took the kids to the science museum today to get out of the house and do something fun together. They changed up the front exhibits at the science museum so it was even better for the kids. This exhibit was especially cool with the gyroscope / angular momentum demonstration. I'm way too far removed from physics so I can't explain how it works, but if you're interested, google and Spike can. 

Sandwiches for breakfast

Kyle and Emily wanted sandwiches for breakfast. So they each made a sandwich for themselves. And they loved it and ate it. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Kyle and Emily had another basketball game! They both got to play a lot this game since the team only had 6 players. With this age group, passing the ball is a tough sell, but here Kyle is dribbling and passing to Emily. 

Emily on defense

Kyle passes to Emily

Kids on defense and Kyle dribbles and passes

Friday, January 25, 2013

Belly button

And I think he's saying belly button, or at least trying. Of course it sounds like "bah-bah" but he says that when pointing to belly buttons. And here where I'm asking him to repeat me. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Aaron's on a tear lately! He's said ball, figured out the feeding pouches and now he picked up how to do cheers! Good work kid!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Feeding bag

Aaron rarely gets the baby food in a pouch, but we do have some on hand for travel and in case we don't have any food in the house he can have. Today was one of those instances so he got a pouch. I was making French toast for Kyle and Emily and he was too eager to eat so I gave him the pouch and turned him loose. He was a hungry boy and a smart boy too and figured it out. He definitely won't go hungry! Good work Aaron.


I think Aaron said his first word today! Just like Kyle and Emily, and not surprisingly, it was "ball"!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Way home

The way home from Jamaica, Jeff flew with us until Chicago. Then we had a 4 hour layover together where we got to do customs and all that fun stuff. We had dinner together in the terminal. It felt like old times when you could go to the gate with someone and see them actually get on their flight. His flight north and our flight west were both at the same time so we got to maximize our time together before another 4 hour flight with a baby on my lap who prefers sleeping in his crib or crawling around... 

Thursday, January 17, 2013


After Milwaukee and Chicago, we headed down to Jamaica with Jeff's brothers and families. It was a great time for all. I'll let the pictures do the talking. 

Aaron's 'room' - our closet - where he slept wonderfully
Kyle and Emily had cots in our room and also slept wonderfully. Days full of sunshine and swimming will take it out of you!

Cousins! Davie, Emily, Kyle, Ben & Jadon
Uncle Eric with Aaron and Jadon. Aaron loved hanging with Uncle Eric. 
Daddy and mini-daddy
Pool at the house
Like Florida 4 years ago, Kyle had a ball in his hand nearly the entire trip and especially when he was in the water. This blue ball was always around and if it went over the edge, we somehow managed to find it each time. Even when it went down the through the bushes, down the hilly driveway and onto the street below.
Aaron and Papa

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


We got to spend a day in Chicago at my mom's house between Milwaukee and Jamaica. Aaron liked playing with our toys that we used to play with. I remember this record player from my childhood. Though Aaron didn't know how to really make it work, he certainly enjoyed chewing on it. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Magician at work

How the magician does his homework


Kyle and Emily started playing basketball this season. They are on the same team of 5-7 year olds. It's a co-ed league, though there are at most 2 girls on each of the 8 teams in the league - at least that's what we've seen so far. They both seem to love playing and have fun. They really get excited when they actually get to touch the ball. They are both great on defense and go after the ball. It's really fun to see them as little budding basketball players. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013


The kid's Great-Grandpa Newt passed away this weekend. He was 96! We were just in Milwaukee over Thanksgiving and got to visit with him and Grandma Sondra. And it was the first time Aaron got to meet them both. Newt was always so very sweet and engaging with the kids. We will miss you Newt. 
Aaron and Newt in November 2012. 
Emily and Newt August 2010

Kyle with Newt, riding his "bike" as Kyle called his walker. This was from May 2008. 

Friday, January 11, 2013


Aaron, like his brother and sister at his age, loves to play with balls. In fact, "ball" was Kyle's first word as he pointed at a tennis ball in the garage. Remember that when he wins Wimbledon some day. :-) So Aaron found a fun ball to play with up in the penthouse and we started playing catch. Actually playing catch! I'd roll or throw it to him and he'd get it and throw it back to me! 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Yellow belt

Kyle got his yellow belt today. He was very proud to have his testing and earn it.

Here he is doing kata 1 which was the biggest requirement for the yellow belt.

Receiving his yellow belt

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Vision study

Aaron participated in a vision study at UCSD. The first part was just a bunch of questions and a few tasks with the experimenter where he had to mimic things with toys. The second was a brain wave reading at a computer. He got to wear this hat to measure his brain waves. Kind of looks like he's getting a perm. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Aaron's communication

So Aaron may not be able to intentionally say any words just yet but he sure knows how to get a point across. Tonight I failed to close his crib gate and turn on his noise machine. I was in our bathroom picking up from showers and bath when I hear him pulling the cord for his music giraffe. Now he likes it, but when he's just playing with it he stands and keeps playing it. Today he pulled it and sat down waiting. The other night when I forgot the noise he was standing at the end where the noise machine is looking over the wage waiting. He knows his routine and knows what he wants. 

Working with Daddy

Executive in training

Aaron getting his walker on

Aaron cruising around with his walker


Here comes trouble! Up all the stairs and on a mission!

Lunch date

My lunch dates :-) Aren't they handsome!