Sunday, January 29, 2017

Duke gardens

The kids and I spent the day at Duke today enjoying the gardens, playing some soccer, climbing some trees and watching a women's basketball game. Jeff was still away on his work trip but that didn't stop us from enjoying his alma mater. Emily's friend came with us as well. 
Some monkeys in a tree
Our tree. Jeff and I had a tree while we were in college that we carved in the gardens. We have been unable to locate that tree and the carving through we do acknowledge that 17+ years of tree growth would likely cover it up. Our old one said JB+KB inside a heart. And now we have a new one. 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Beach boys

Tonight was a bucket list event for me. The kids and I went to see the Beach Boys in concert!! Jeff would have joined us but he was out of town for work. I know the Beach Boys are 'old school' music, but my kids thankfully know their songs and rock out to them because it's just great music! And it takes us back to our San Diego days not too long ago. 

We started off with dinner at Fosters and brought some over to the concert for Ross' friend who hooked us up with the tickets. 

Our seats were AMAZING! We were just left of center about 10 rows back. It was absolutely incredible and the kids enjoyed it as well. It was amazing to hear the songs that made up the soundtrack of my childhood car trips. I think there were 2 of the original Beach Boys in this tour. They started playing around 7:30 and played a good 3 hours. Needless to say, the kids were wiped out afterwards. And they had school the next day. :-) But it was totally worth it. 

Thursday, January 19, 2017