Happy Birthday Emily & Kyle!! It's hard to believe they are already two!!! It feels like forever ago because I don't remember the fine details, but seems like yesterda

y that they just ent

ered this world! So two years ago today, Kyle was born at 8:17am and Emily followed at 8:23am. They weighed in at 4 pounds 2 ounces and 17.25 inches long and 4 pounds 7 ounces and 18 inches long. Kyle was a feisty little one fighting off the CPAP just wanting a bath, some milk and a warm blanket. Emily fought to breathe, open her eyes and eat, but she fought hard very quickly and got healthy (enough to come home) in about 5 weeks (1 month and 2 days to be exact).

And look at them now! They are growing so fast and the things they do now are pretty impressive! They are becoming a little boy and little girl! Everyone says they grow up fast, but it's hard to realize just how fast fast is until they are staring right back at you! So Emily is very inquisitive and into telling us who is a boy and who is a girl. And she will tell you if that girl is a lady or a girl and if that boy is a man or a boy. And Kyle is really into repeating words. Some of my favorites are "vi-ba-nen" for vitamin and "ti-gar" for guitar. They get chewy Flintstones vitamins each morning and he LOVES them! Emily does too and she calls them "vi-da-da-da".
So for their birthday, we had lentil soup (Kyle's favorite) and grilled cheese (Emily LOVES cheese) for lunch and Japanese for dinner (both their favorites). And Kyle loves to eat with chopsticks for Japanese food. In his picture, Kyle is eating mochi with chopsticks! Emily is enjoying her cupcake. And they love their new tricycles.
We're working more on using the potty now that they are two. Yesterday they got to wear their Thomas the Train and Dora the Explorer undies and they were sooo happy about that. Emily was so happy about her Dora undies that she refused to wear shorts over them. They each went thru 2 pairs b/c they didn't quite get that they had to tell us when they had to go peepee even though we took them to the potty very often and kept reminding them. Today it's been different though. They have a diaper on under their undies (yes, I'm sure that's confusing) but Emily keeps telling me when she has to go peepee and goes and sits on the potty and promptly goes peepee. Maybe just maybe we won't be in diapers forever!