Wednesday, June 9, 2010


We had quite the stroller accident Wednesday night. We were running a 5k race when the front tire broke off, ripping the brakes off with it causing the stroller to flip over. The kids were pinned underneath. I was pushing, but couldn't stop my forward momentum so I flipped over too, landing on top of the stroller. Kyle and I had some bumps and bruises, but poor little Emily fractured her collarbone.

We've had beach picnics, zoo picnics, and snow picnics. Now we have had a hospital ER picnic. This is about 9:30pm as Emily hadn't had dinner yet, though I might add we got to the ER after 8pm and she was registered, seen, x-rayed, evaluated, slinged and released by 9:30pm. So here she is enjoying her lovely hospital picnic of graham crackers, dried fruit, OJ, milk, banana, and peanut butter & jelly sandwich. Here, not only did she hurt, she was so mad about the Snoopy sling not being pink or very girly.

The next day, before her last day of preschool, with her sling dolled up - princess stickers attached, her arm wrapped in her Deedee (the one I made for her) and Sling Doggie Dog, as she named it - it was a little gift from the ER.

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