Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pro Bowl!

And now, the main event of this Hawaii trip - the Pro Bowl! What a fun and unique experience! This was the only day that it rained the entire week we were in Hawaii! But thankfully, we were able to wait it out on the bus that took us from the hotel to the stadium. And as an added bonus, Kyle & Emily were napping on the bus so it was even better of a wait out. Our seats were perfect for the view and protection from sun and rain, though the rain had stopped by the time the game started.
Jeff, Kyle & Emily. Even though we were on the AFC side, we wore our Bears shirts as we are Bears fans.
Mommy & Emily
Jadon, Kyle & Jeff. Jadon is in his first half shirt - Patriots! At half time he switched over to his Eagles shirt as he also loves the Eagles.
Emily, Jadon, Kyle & Jeff
Bears fans!
Eric on the 50 yard line to the left of the camera and ref
Sweet cousins
Cutie pie
Emily loves Brennan
The blue eyed blondies
Kyle & Jadon
Emily and her flower necklace
Jadon, Kyle & Emily
Kyle, me & Emily
Aloha, mahalo, football

Jeff taking a silly video of us - "aloha, mahalo, football"

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