Monday, February 4, 2013


And once we left the batting cages, early I might add, Kyle got the flu (Monday evening). And then 2 days later, Wednesday evening, Aaron got it. Then 5 hours later (wee hours of Thursday) Emily got it. Jeff and I have been spared so far. I sure hope it stays that way. What a fun house we were this past week! Pajama days and games and shows. 

About shows, Kyle was watching a Curious George and he says, "this is my favorite not-true show." So I asked him what his favorite true show was and he replied, "Super Bowl X-L-V-I-I. I liked it because it was real and exciting and the 49ers almost won in the end." He reads something and just seems to remember it. He wasn't going to forget that XLVII and that is how he refers to the game. 
Games and gatorade
Water and Cheerios
Aaron wants to play games too
Yogurt for some probiotics for Aaron. 

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