Saturday, April 27, 2013


Saturday is baseball and softball here. Kyle and Emily are both having a great time playing on their teams. 

Emily at bat

Kyle at bat

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


It may be hard to see, but when I looked at Kyle sleeping on the monitor, I had to do a double-take. I felt like I was seeing 5 years into the future with Aaron. I hadn't seen the similarities between them until this picture. And really, the more I look at it, I see Kyle, Emily & Aaron. 

Friday, April 19, 2013


Look who's walking!! Crawling is still faster, but this is big progress for Aaron who just 2 weeks ago would stand up for ages, but refused to put one foot in front of the other. Go Aaron!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Always butter your corn with your feet

There is a funny Curious George episode where George is upset with the rules of the adult world - like buttering your corn at the table with your hands and no writing on the walls. He then creates his own tree house with George rules where you can butter your corn with your feet under the table and draw on the walls. When Aaron did what he was doing in the picture below, I couldn't help but think about that episode. I'm sure Kyle, Emily, Jeff, Adam, Max & Leo would likely think of this very episode as well .

Monday, April 8, 2013

Booger on a raspberry

Emily checking out her owie on her knee that she scraped up pretty badly when she fell off her bike: "Mommy great news. One of the boogers is falling off the raspberry." 

I apparently called the owie a raspberry when she fell. She said that's what she calls it and didn't know what to call the things hanging off of it. Descriptive. Gross. Cute. Clever. Still a bit gross. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Karen, Pete and Ethan came out out to visit us for a week. It was a great time being able to hangout and for everyone to play together. Kyle and Emily were back in school that week so they didn't get to spend as much time as they would have liked, but they did enjoy the evenings together. Aaron and Ethan were fascinated with each other. They are 6 months apart. It's amazing seeing how much babies change in such a short time. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Conversation with Kyle

This was funny at the time, though without the moment and being there it is likely not as funny. 

We were driving home from somewhere and Aaron was fussy (tired) but calming down / falling asleep.  When we are so close to home, we don't like to let him fall asleep in the car and take a quick 5 minute catnap at the expense of a good, longer nap in his crib. 

Me: Is Aaron sucking his thumb?
Kyle: Yes. He sometimes does that to shut himself up.
Me: [chuckle under my breath 'shut himself up' which Kyle heard]
Kyle: Yes to put a cork in it.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Haircuts for the boys

Time for the boys to get haircuts again. The military barber got them all cleaned up nicely. Aaron cooperated again. The lollipop may have helped too, but he did great the his barber was very patient with him. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


We took a little spring break drive out to Arizona to visit with Grandma Edith who spends her winters there. It was great to visit with her. We may have overwhelmed her a bit with the crazy that 5 people bring to a normally quiet house. And Aaron was / is going through crazy separation anxiety so whenever I'd get up from the table to get something from the kitchen for him, he would shriek like it was the end of the world. Nonetheless, we had a great time with Grandma Edith. We got to swim, hike, relax and enjoy the desert heat. 

The road to Arizona

Sadly, Camelback Mountain was closed for renovation to the trails and parking lots Grandma told us so we went to a different one whose name is escaping me now. It was still a great mountain to hike. But it was HOT that day. About 90 degrees. We all had our water backpacks or a baby in a backpack. ;-)

This was halfway up the mountain, which was the top for us. We traded baby backpack / water backpack duties and made our way down after a little rest. Kyle and Emily did very well given the heat and incline. Aaron got really tired for us doing all the work and fell asleep on the way down with me. 

Sweaty hair mohawk Kyle
Though we tried, we don't have any pictures of Grandma Edith from the trip because she didn't want her picture taken.