Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Visiting with Tommy's family

We also had a day to spend with Tommy and his family before heading back home. Colleen and I took the kids to the gym where they had a great time in the playroom while Colleen worked out and I pretended to workout (I was swimming, but not very well since I no longer have my swimming lungs). Well Aaron did at first until he heard by voice about 45 minutes later when I picked up Kyle and Emily to go swimming with me. And then he cried for the next 45 minutes because he realized that I had left. He eventually recovered and took a long hard nap that afternoon from all that crying. Anyhow, the kids had a great time playing with Trevor and Addy. Aaron got his first mohawk from Aunt Colleen and Emily got her hair french braided from her as well. And I had a fun time hanging out with Colleen. 

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