Saturday, November 16, 2013

Kyle tennis tournament

Kyle has been playing a lot of tennis these days. He is playing in some tournaments and having a good time. This particular one, he played quite well and even as the youngest player, he held his own and came out with the win. 

Kyle is in the far court playing against a 9 year old girl. He won 8-1.

Kyle is in the near court I think and is playing a 9 year old boy. Kyle won 8-1.

Kyle posing after his decisive victory. 

This is from another tournament this week (December 8, yes I am back posting) where he played well and came in 2nd by tie break. He actually beat the kid who took 1st and had the same record, but the second level for tiebreak put the other kid ahead. Pretty good nonetheless and especially so considering the kids all had at least 3 years on Kyle. Well done Kyle!

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