Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Happy Bear

Just a few pictures of Aaron adjusting to his new surroundings.

A monkey hat and marble maze. Happy Bear. 

Moving day there was a digger in the lot behind ours. That was a great distraction for Aaron. 

Aaron and Shasta

Fireman Bear at Marbles

Making a mess!


Sunday, October 19, 2014


I love chili. For my birthday, I like to have chili as my birthday meal. Didn't happen this year living in a hotel. Let's just say my birthday and Jeff's birthday were in the early part of our move to Raleigh and it wasn't so much a happy birthday. So we figure we get a redo on our birthday at a later time. Anyhow, after our stuff arrived and we could cook in our new house, I made my birthday chili. Yum. Everyone loved it. Bear ate it leftover for days and would get upset if anyone tried to take it from him or even share a bowl. Kid loves his chili. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Lil' shopper

Gotta love grocery stores that have little grocery carts for little shoppers. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Resourceful Bear - hold it bipad

So with all the transition, Aaron has had a bit of iPad time. He often seeks it out. He proclaims, "Aaron hold it bipad!" Even when we put it up high and out of reach so he can't get to it or hopefully see it. Guess again. Where there's a will, there's a way. The iPad was up high in the closet at our apartment. Guess who figured out a way to get it down...