Sunday, February 15, 2015

Lake Tahoe adventure

We had a wonderful time skiing in Tahoe in February. Not only did we get to ski, but we got to ski with our San Diego friends. Aaron was reunited with his love, Alice. And we all had a great time together.

For some crazy reason, we thought a 6am flight was a good idea... something about getting into Tahoe with daylight and time to get equipment for the next day. Nonetheless, we made it and adjusted and had a wonderful trip to Tahoe. 

The lady who drove us out to Heavenly from the airport made a stop at Lake Tahoe for Aaron to go potty. (Great timing Aaron!) And we got a great view of the lake. 

We hadn't planned on Aaron skiing, but when we went to get our equipment, he didn't want to be left out. So he got skis as well. And as you will see, he skied. 
Emily and Kyle ready to go to ski school
The super early flight and 3 hour time change was hard on Aaron. 

Ski school for Kyle & Emily
Aaron getting all ready to try skiing. 

Aaron and Alice reunited again

Happy birthday dinner to Ian!

Betsy with Aaron & Alice

All the kids playing iPad

Me & Jeff

Me & Betsy

Betsy & Dustin

Our adult skiing crew. Aaron & Alice had a babysitter and the rest of the kids were in ski school. Can you say actual vacation?!

Emily, Kyle & Ian

Skiing is exhausting! So are jet lag and time changes. 

Aaron up for another try at skiing

After 2 days of ski school, the big kids - Kyle, Emily & Ian - skied with us

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