Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chicago family reunion

We started our trip in Palatine with the reunion. We had a great time staying with Tommy & Colleen and their crew. All of my siblings and their families came out as well for the reunion. Mom also came down from Wisconsin for the big party. It was a great weekend with family. 

Addie & Trevor wanted to come to Costco with me so I got to be the fun aunt with them because the samples were awesome!! Ice cream at Trader Joes, sausage and juice at Costco. They were some great helpers!
We got to all go swimming together. Kyle, Emily & Aaron all went off the diving board at the pool into the 12 feet!!! 
And the big party!! All of my siblings and their families came for a fun family reunion. 

Ryan golfing

Aaron driving

Trevor driving

Grandma & Kally at the pool

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