Saturday, October 17, 2015

Visiting the swamp

I had a relatively last minute escape to Florida to visit Spike for a weekend. Sadly, I hadn't been down to Florida since she moved there too many years ago to admit. I drove down on a Friday and got to spend the weekend seeing her stomping grounds and escape the cold that was running through everyone at home. 

We met some gators in the swamp. Yes, those are real, live gators near us. That was as close as we got to them. And then we got out. We also did a nice 20 mile bike ride. It was the first time I had ridden my bike since before we moved to NC. Believe it or not, I (thankfully) did not fall off my bike, foot clips and all. And Sunday morning we went for a 6 mile trail run. Then I hit the road back home to come home to the cold waiting to nail me that week. 
Gator selfie!

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