Sunday, March 25, 2018

Ski season closing

Ski season is winding down, but not before Jeff and I got in a few more ski dates and discovered the back side trails at Snowbird. You go through a tunnel to get there which is pretty cool in itself and then the runs are even more wide open. Hard to believe we didn't explore this until so close to the end of the season (actual season ended mid-May, but the conditions weren't great so we stopped going ahead of that time). 
On a random weekday that the kids were off school, I took a half day and took the kids skiing in the AM to show them the tunnel and back side trails. While it was cool to show them, that day was particularly windy and cold with ice pelting us in the face and Emily had an ear infection. Needless to say it wasn't the idyllic experience I was going for. 
Smiles here but not for long :-) 

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