Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Just before New Years, I took the kids over to Northwestern to show them where Mommy went to school. It was fun to be back on campus (hadn't been there in years) and show them my old places.  We started with a car tour of campus and then then where I lived. 

The Jeppeson House.  It looked bad when we lived there, Chryssi, Spike, Kelly and I back in 1999, and it's in even worse shape now!  The front steps and porch are a wreck!

Built by Mr. Jeppeson in the late 1800s!

After our car tour, we went for a walk along the lake, Lake Michigan to be exact (ask the kids about the great lakes - they got a quick lesson and can name a few!), and freezing in the 20 degree temps and sleet flying in our faces. This is by my pull-up tree, but they had cut down the branch I did my pull-ups on.  Or I just had the wrong tree.  But I'm pretty sure this was the tree as you could see where the branch was cut.  It was low enough I could jump up on and do pull-ups.  As Spike said, it was probably better that they had cut that branch down so I couldn't be sad about how few pull-ups I could now do compared to 10 years ago... Perspective... thanks Spike!

Then we went to one of my favorite places for lunch, Olive Mountain.  My dad took me there several times when he was in Evanston.  He introduced me to falafels.  And I wanted to take my kids there too!

Our feast - hummus, pita, feta, olives, tea, juice and falafel.  And our total bill was $14!!!  Insane amount of food for that price!

Before heading home, we visited the book store and picked up NU shirts for the kids.  Emily got a cute purple NU dress which we winterized so she could wear here in Chicago now.  And Kyle got a #1 NU jersey which he likes wearing.  He loves number shirts because they are his sports shirts and make him run fast!

Little NU girl

Kyle in his fast runner NU jersey

Monday, December 28, 2009

Tea party

For Christmas, Emily received a cute tea set as well as some princess figurines. It was too cute watching her have a tea party with all of her princesses in attendance!  She is all girl!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dominican Part 3 - The Reception

Kyle loved dancing. And he was such a gentleman always wanting to slow dance with me.

Emily & Daddy, how sweet

Grandma cuttin' it up with Bunky and the kids

Colleen with Emmy

Tommy, Jeff & David

Tommy & Colleen - the next wedding!

Tommy & Kimmy

Grandma & Emmy

A little slow dance. Kyle & Emily were very tired at this point.

Dominican Part 2 - The wedding

And the main event in Dominican - Karen & Pete's wedding

Me and my bridesmaid sisters - Kristin, me & Kimmy

Paige - Pete's sister, Kristin, me, Kimmy - all the bridesmaids

The groomsmen (Jeff and my brothers) - Josh (Jeff's twin), Jeff, David, GT & Tommy

The happy couple

My cuties - flower girl and ring bearer though he didn't get to walk 2 tiny rings down the sandy aisle. Good decision.

Emily & cousin Ryan

Kristin & David

Emily, Kyle & Ryan loving being together

GT, Ike & GT's dad Mike

Kristin & Ry-ry

Mom with Karen & Pete

Kristin, David, Ryan and baby-Evan-to-be in Kristin's belly

My sisters, brother & mom

Pete with the boys - GT (Kimmy's husband), David (Kristin's husband), Tommy, Pete (Karen's husband), Josh (Jeff's twin) and Jeff

Kimmy, GT & Ike