Thursday, July 2, 2009

Backwards day

Today was a big day for Kyle. He got undressed from his jammies all by himself and got dressed into his clothes all by himself! Go Kyle! He was so proud! He ran into our room and exclaimed, "Look at me! I got dressed all by myself!!" Even though his shirt and shorts were on backwards, he got them on! But he did tell us that he wanted the train (that is the front of the shirt) to go in back. Socks and undies were successful! And we didn't turn the backwards items around. He was so proud!

And then for breakfast, he opened the fridge and said he wanted (leftover) macaroni and cheese (with peas) for breakfast and Emily chose a bagel. While mac 'n cheese with peas isn't your typical breakfast food, that also didn't need to be adjusted. He was just so happy with all his work and decisions even if his clothes and meals were backwards.

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