Thursday, August 13, 2009

Down on the farm

This past weekend (well, in July... needless to say I am posting this really late because I am only now compressing the awesome pictures that Pete took) was my family reunion in Ohio. We all had a blast! The kids got to ride motorcycles and so did we. Kyle learned how to work the kegorator. Emily rode a tricycle with the help of her great-grandpa!! And we ate LOTS of delicious corn!

A motorcycle just Kyle's size!

Just Emily's size too!

Kyle mastering the fine art of pouring beer from the kegorator!

Kimmy, GT, Isaac & Karen enjoying the farm!

Karen & Emmie

Jeff on the moped

Grandpa taking the family for a hayride

Out to the corn fields

Brothers David, GT & Pete enjoying some kegorator beer and cigars

No cutting Uncle GT!

Loving the swing in the barn!

Emily rides the moped with Mommy

Kyle rides the moped with Mommy

A nice view of the tractor and barn

Kyle driving the tractor

Ryan driving the tractor

Kyle & Ryan tandem driving the tractor

Grandpa on the four-wheeler

Kyle riding the tricycle with a little help from his great-grandpa!

Emily loving the fresh roasted corn

Can't get enough of the corn!

Emily riding the tricycle with a little help from her great grandpa!

Our family on the trailer

The whole family on the trailer

Brothers Pete, Tommy & Jeff

Karen & Mom

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