Monday, October 12, 2009


Not sure this will be as funny as it was at the time, but it was pretty priceless and another reminder that the kids don't quite understand sarcasm just yet!
Kathleen:  Did you eat all of those [Nilla wafer] cookies goob?!
Emily:  Yeah, but I got two more.
Kathleen:  Wow!  You're going to turn into a cookie!
Emily [eyes welling up, about to burst into crying]:  But I don't wanna...
Kathleen:  Don't worry honey!  I was just joking.
Emily [still choking down years]:  [laughs] yeah....  That'd be silly!
And later in the car as she finished her cookies, she kept reminding herself that it'd be so silly for her to turn into a cookie!  She totally had to keep convincing herself!

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