Sunday, October 4, 2009

Go Daddy go!

Jeff did the Mission Bay triathlon today!  We got up crazy early to go cheer him on!!  Kyle & Emily did great cheering for Daddy and their friend's Daddy as well. Great work Daddy!

Daddy coming out of the water.  He's on the right in the red shirt that you can see his number on.  It was barely after 7am when he was done swimming so the sun was barely up.

Daddy coming in from the bike!

Daddy going out for the run!  (Left center of the picture in red shirt)

Daddy coming around the corner for the run finish!

Daddy nearly done with the run!  Go Daddy go!

Jeff and Emmy post race.

Daddy thanking his cheering squad.

Daddy checking out the signs - Go Daddy go!  Bike Daddy bike!  Run Daddy run!!

Kyle riding the bike.

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