Friday, January 15, 2010

Fancy haircuts

Kyle & Emily got their first haircut in an adult salon this week.  Colleen gave them the royal treatment!  Kyle, who hasn't worn the cape since his very first haircut and has been that kid running around the place with his shirt off to get the hair off, wore the cape.  On the way over, I even tried bribing him saying Miko could come in with him and stay under the cape if he wore the cape.  Not even the bribe of Miko got him excited to wear the cape.  But Colleen has the magic touch!  He even let her put spikes for his do.  While Kyle was getting his cut, Emily got her hair washed in the big sink.  Then for Emily's turn, she got a trim, blow dry and straightening.  They were so excited to get home and show Jeff their new do's! And the next day they wanted the same thing, spikes and straightening.  Thanks Colleen!

Sporting our new haircuts with Colleen.  Don't forget the lollipops!

Oh yea!

Check out my spikes!

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