Thursday, October 14, 2010

Morton Bar-burrito

Fall in Chicago is beautiful! Kyle and Emily were loving all the colors of the trees. As we drove to Morton Arboretum (or Morton Bar-buritto as Kyle pronounced it), they were in awe of the trees and all the colors they had turned.  I never knew a 4 year old could appreciate such beauty.
And Morton Arboretum didn't disappoint.  Not only was it gorgeous, they had a whole, HUGE kid section to explore. 
The view from the treehouse atop the bush maze.
Look at the HUGE leaf Mommy! And I love the leaves actively falling around them.

Here was their conversation leading up to this video taken from the little cabin pictured above: 
Let's sit here and talk to each other
What should we talk about?
Let's talk about monkeys...

Are you surprised Kyle suggested they talk about monkeys?!

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