Sunday, November 14, 2010

6 miles with Kyle

Today I was supposed to run a half marathon race.  For many reasons, I did not run the race and had a far better time not running it.  Feeling guilty (read: lazy) for not doing the race, I instead woke closer to 9am (instead of 4am) with everyone and went on a 6 mile run.  But this was a great run.  Kyle wanted to join so he got on his bike and biked 6 miles with me. He sure can bike!  I was super impressed with his endurance.  He was very proud of his accomplishment too.  We had done a 3 mile run / bike before, but that was the longest.  

And Kyle was fantastic company.  We talked the entire time - he sure is wonderfully chatty .  He was as happy as can be.  We talked about school, going to see Grandma and Papa, playing games, exercise, good food, muscles, and Grandma B and Papa B who live in the castle on the cloud. 

I didn't even feel like I had run 6 miles because it was so much fun with him. Thanks for a great run Kyle!
After our ride / run

A video recap of our 6 miles together. I love his closing notes. I thought he'd say something like "Go Bears" since we've been talking about how the Bears play today and we all were excited to watch the game. But you'll have to play the video to hear what he had to say. Prepare to be surprised.  :-)

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