Friday, April 29, 2011

Whoopie Pie

Today the kids and I made whoopie pies. I bought some many months ago from Trader Joe's and they were okay. A nice treat and sweet, but not fall off your chair good. Somehow lately though, Kyle and Emily had them on their minds. I'm not sure if I had told them I found some recipes for whoopie pies in Bon Appetite and Family Fun or if they just remembered them. Nonetheless, they were asking to make whoopie pies together. And boy am I glad we did!! They turned out amazing! We made a few modifications to the Bon Appetite recipe (noted in the recipe link) and they turned out amazing. And we found that they tasted even better the following day. And certainly better refrigerated. Next time we want to try having them semi-frozen. Mmmmmmmmmm!

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