Monday, May 30, 2011

A sweet little story

So yesterday we were biking home from dinner. The sun was still out, but it was cool and breezy - probably low to mid 60s. Before leaving the house, Jeff grabbed jackets for everyone. Since I was already wearing a light-weight jacket over my shirt, I declined my light fleece figuring I'd be just fine. Back to biking home from dinner, I remark, "I sure am freezing!"Kyle who was biking just in front of me turns around and says, "You can have my jacket Mommy." Nevermind he's 4 and certainly his jacket wouldn't fit me, he was genuinely serious and beyond sweet. My sweet little Kyle was willing to give me the jacket off his back to get his mama warm. If that's not the most honest to goodness sweetness, I don't know what is.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A very monkey Mother's Day

Today for Mother's Day, Kyle and Emily took me on a Mother's Day date. They took me to a special monkey movie at the science center. It was an early preview of "Born to be Wild" on the IMAX screen. It was pretty special. It shows two special parks that are caring for and rehabilitating orphaned elephants and orangutans. At this showing was the director of the Orangutan Foundation International who has lived and worked with the orangutans for many years, Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas. Also there were the movie's producers and John Kay from Steppenwolf (band that sings "Born to be Wild"). Needless to say it was a pretty special event.

Right as the movie started, Kyle, the biggest monkey lover among us, decided he didn't want to watch the movie. I tell him it will be okay because there are monkeys in it so he's momentarily comforted. But it was very dark and too big of a theater. Plus it was domed so it gives a different, wide open, moving type feeling. It can easily be overwhelming. So they lights dim, movie credits start, Kyle loses it, screams out "I don't want to see this!", whole theater finds it amusing and laughs, Kyle and I exit, I try to comfort him and coax him back in, ushers try to tell him it's a good movie, (it really is - nothing scary) monkeys come on the screen, we step back in, Kyle gets the biggest smile a teary boy could possibly have and we watch the movie. But first, we retrieve Emily who was sitting quite nicely by herself watching the movie, and sit down closer to the exit for any further tears (which there were but quickly recovered). But we got to enjoy a pretty spectacular movie. And we got an autograph from both Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas & John Kay before we went home.

**Funny story from the movie: At one point there is a large male orangutan swimming through the swamp toward the camera. The commentary is about the male orangutan and how he weighs nearly 300 pounds. Emily comments how big the orangutan is and how he weighs "almost as much as Kyle's bike!" His bike really weighs a ton and just the other day she commented out loud how she thought it weighed 300 pounds.  I love how her mind thinks and connects - too funny!
Having our picnic before the movie
Waiting in line for the IMAX movie
Monkeys in line
In the theater
Emily ready for showtime
Kyle in the theater ready for the show
After the show, Kyle reading his monkey book
Emily reading the Orangutan brochure
Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas & John Kay
The slideshow after the movie
Cute orangutan
Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas & John Kay signing

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Breakfast Popsicle

Today I was reading an article about parents having a "yes day". We all know that as parents, the word "no" seems to occur quite frequently. So the idea is to create a "yes day" where the kids can get what they want most of the time. Now of course there are limits to this, but I do like the idea. One of the things this mom in particular said yes to was popsicles for breakfast. And just why would she say yes you ask? Because she made special breakfast popsicles! They are basically smoothies frozen into popsicles. So today Emily and I made some breakfast popsicles. They are very easy to make. There was a rough recipe that I read, but I am not really one to follow recipes, unless it's for baking and then I'll follow the directions for the staple ingredients. So here is what was in our breakfast popsicles:
  • Plain Greek yogurt - because we happened to have some on hand from when the cousins were visiting since we knew they LOVE Greek yogurt. The kids used to eat it all the time, but for some reason we got away from it. I am not a huge fan of it since it tastes a little too close to sour cream for me. But I digress. It has great calcium and more protein than regular yogurt so I may make myself start liking it.
  • Fresh strawberries - probably about 15-20. Emily counted out the first 10, but then we added more as we tasted it along the way.
  • Dash of vanilla
  • Turbinado sugar - probably 2-3 tablespoons????
  • Honey - when we realized we should have used honey instead of sugar, we switched. We probably squeezed 3 tablespoons
  • Milk - enough to give it a more liquidy consistency
Then we poured it into popsicle molds to put in the freezer. We had a ton leftover so I grabbed 4 more kid cups, threw a popsicle stick in the middle of them and popped those into the freezer as well. We'll test them out tomorrow to see how they taste. I'm pretty excited and hopeful with these as we always seem to be running out the door with breakfast in hand or having just inhaled some semblance of breakfast. And typically, breakfast is quite healthy, but I do like this idea since I know all that is in it and that it is quite kid friendly. They may think it's dessert for breakfast, but I know it's breakfast! Win win!!

**Note from Sunday: the popsicles were a hit! The kids loved them. Kyle even finished his. He's not a big breakfast eater so getting him to eat much more than (drinking) 2 cups of milk is a feat. I would modify the recipe a bit to make it a bit creamier, but otherwise the flavor was good.  

Breakfast for 2

This morning was a lazy Saturday morning. We were tired and slept in a little bit. Kyle and Emily also slept in a bit, but they were hungry when they woke. So instead of waiting for us, they took it upon themselves to make their own breakfast. This isn't the first time they have done this, but I still find it amusing and quite cute when they make their own breakfast. It also makes me proud because they make pretty healthy and balanced food choices. When Jeff went downstairs to see what was going on, Emily told him that they were just making a little appetizer of grapefruit, strawberries and bunny cereal. And that they had poured "heavy milk" without spilling! What is "heavy milk" you may wonder like we did? Turns out that heavy milk is still regular milk, just in a jug that is nearly full. And really, they didn't spill too much - just a little bit on the counter. Not bad when you figure how heavy a gallon of milk is when nearly full and how much strength that takes from a 4 year old.
Kyle pouring some cereal
Emily pouring cereal
A view from above their breakfast table

Friday, May 6, 2011

Salt Volcano

Today we did another science experiment: Salt Volcano. (Written instructions). This was a fun, easy experiment for the kids to do that explores density. And what was even more fun was that they started it and then came back to it to see how things had changed or not changed while they let it sit.

Kyle and Emily discussing the oil and water. And then what happens when they put in the salt. 

The oil bubble returning to the top after the salt dissolves on the bottom

Feeling the oil bubbles

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Please play with your food!

Emily's pattern
This morning at breakfast, the kids started playing with their food. It was Annie's Bunny Cereal, just like yesterday. Have I mentioned they love this cereal? For some reason, Kyle especially, prefers his cereal without milk - which doesn't make sense since he LOVES milk, but I supposed he's more of a purist when it comes to milk, he likes it just plain. Now I know in preschool, they work on making patterns with blocks. When I've been in the classroom, they work on ABAB and AABBAABB patterns. This morning, it was fun to see them create their own patterns as they went along. Kyle created an ABCABC pattern and Emily created her ABBABBABBA pattern. It's an interesting lesson on many levels: (1) fine motor skill with object manipulation, (2) pattern recognition and creation, and (3) symbolically labeling the pattern to name just a few.
Kyle's pattern

Needless to say, this is a great case for playing with your food!

Emily's pattern:

Kyle's pattern:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mentos + Diet Coke = GEYSER!

Kyle and Emily participated in another science experiment this week. We met up with some friends to ride bikes and run around in the afternoon. Earlier in the day, they had picked up materials for the now famous Diet Coke / Mentos experiment. Kyle and Emily have done this one before with science class. But this one never gets old. Nothing like creating a big reaction out of something small.