Monday, May 30, 2011

A sweet little story

So yesterday we were biking home from dinner. The sun was still out, but it was cool and breezy - probably low to mid 60s. Before leaving the house, Jeff grabbed jackets for everyone. Since I was already wearing a light-weight jacket over my shirt, I declined my light fleece figuring I'd be just fine. Back to biking home from dinner, I remark, "I sure am freezing!"Kyle who was biking just in front of me turns around and says, "You can have my jacket Mommy." Nevermind he's 4 and certainly his jacket wouldn't fit me, he was genuinely serious and beyond sweet. My sweet little Kyle was willing to give me the jacket off his back to get his mama warm. If that's not the most honest to goodness sweetness, I don't know what is.

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