Friday, November 11, 2011

Great Grandma's cinnamon candy

Today the kids were off school and I wasn't feeling the best (very tired and many contractions) so we did some holiday decorating and cooking. We made my Dad's mom's cinnamon candy. I have never made hard candy before, but I remember my dad making his mom's cinnamon candy and it being super hot and great. So we made it because I had found some cinnamon oil a few weeks ago at Whole Foods. 
Making sure it was at the appropriate temperature and testing the candy strings in the cool water. Yes we are still in our pajamas at noon. It's a day off!
The finished product. Bummer was that it did harden up and have some decent flavoring, but the oil wasn't as potent as it was supposed to be and it was very sticky after first lick. I think next time I need to let it boil longer or perhaps to a higher temperature. 

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