Sunday, January 8, 2012

USS Midway

Today we went took the kids to the USS Midway. Jeff and I have been on the ship before and toured it, but wanted to take Kyle and Emily to see it. It is incredible the size and work that ship has done and where it's been. So we rode along the harbor to visit the Midway. It was a pleasant 4 mile ride down on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. 

We stayed long enough that it became dinner time so we had a sunset dinner at the fish market next door. It was quite beautiful. We enjoyed San Diego just like a tourist. Only when it was time to go home, we got on our bikes and biked the 4 miles home. In the dark. Thankfully the kids didn't mind. They were well fed and excited for their night bike ride. We turned our mega flashlights on on our phones to give us headlights. Not bad for a Sunday afternoon and evening! 

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