Sunday, February 5, 2012


This weekend we had some fun visitors! Max and Leo, Kyle and Emily's cousins were visiting from New York. Over the weekend, we headed up to Disneyland together. The kids had a blast together. Kyle and Emily were so sad for Max and Leo to head home.
Jeff with Kyle and Emily on the train

Max and Leo in the monkey cage part of the train

Emily, Max and Kyle on Small World

Adam and Leo on Small World

Jeff and Emily on the bumper cars

Jeff and Kyle on the bumper cars

Emily on the zipline

Kyle on the zipline

Emily on Ariel's carousel. We split up from the boys for a bit and had a little girl time and went on a bunch of girl rides together - Ariel's carousel twice, the rocket ships that were finally open for us and Ariel's Grotto ride. 

At dinner, Emily got a special dessert. A princess box with cake in it. Of course she shared it very nicely, but was thrilled to have something girly for a change. That box, flag and princess mirror have watched her sleep (place of honor) since then. 

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