Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day at Disneyland

For Mother's Day, we went up to Disneyland. It was a fantastic way to spend Mother's Day - the happiest place on earth with my family. We were able to hit all many rides in our short visit. We got there around noon and left about 5pm. 

We started off in California Adventure and rode a bunch of rides. Jeff and Emily rode the Ariel ride. Kyle didn't want to ride it and Aaron was asleep. 

We then headed over to the rocket ships, which is usually not running for some reason or another when we want to ride it, but it was today! We all rode, except Aaron so we took turns. They said he could ride it if we wanted - he just had to be in his own seat belt and could be propped against us. Um no. While Emily and I were waiting while Jeff and Kyle rode, we were chatting with the ride operator. He told us we had to go on Toy Story, but said the line would be over 40 minutes. I told him we weren't 40-minute-wait-in-line-material and he then pulled out a card that let us go in a special, right to the front of a ride line for any ride we wanted and said we should go to Toy Story. Yes, please! So we did! It was AWESOME! And so was the ride! Kyle wasn't so sure about going on it at first, but kicking and screaming he did go on it. I rode with Emily and Aaron.

And if Jeff sees an arcade, we have to stop. So California Adventure also included some games for us as well. 

We also went on the Roaring Grizzly Rapids ride. Jeff and I both got soaked on our turns. Somehow Kyle and Emily stayed reasonably dry. Jeff took Kyle and I took Emily in separate turns. Aaron was a good observer. 

After the water ride, we got some lunch and headed over to Disneyland for Small World and the carousel before heading home. Like Kyle and Emily when they were super young, Aaron took in Small World very cutely. He stared around at the lights and movement and sounds. About half way through he had enough and was content to rest on my shoulder. 

And some ice cream. No trip to Disneyland is complete without Mickey Mouse ice cream. And for Emily, no ice cream containing any sort of chocolate is complete without getting it all over your face. 
And this is what we did to the car in the hopes that Aaron would like his car seat. He did very well and only got upset with about 15 minutes left in the ride up to Disneyland. The way home he was unhappy off and on. But all in all, it was a successful car ride for him. 

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