Monday, October 22, 2012


The kids have never really had an issue with going to the dentist. We never went to the kid specific dentists that have all the crazy kid stuff. I take that back - we took Kyle and Emily when they were 13 months old because everyone said you had to go at 1 year (what a joke). It was a waste of time - the dentist just counted their teeth. Nothing else. Just some screaming from the kids who had waited too long for that. I may have screamed too when I got a bill for someone to count my kids' teeth. But I digress. Since then (or rather once they were 3 when we ventured back to the dentist with them), we take the kids to the dentist we go to and it is great. They even have Angry Birds for us to play. There is a tv in the corner that they turn on cartoons for the kids when they are there. Otherwise it's cooking shows when Jeff and I have been there. So while it's not a kid dentist, it's very kid friendly. And I can't not take pictures of the kids at the dentist playing Angry Birds! 

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