Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Aaron!

Happy 1st Birthday Aaron! We didn't do a party or anything big. We had a nice Aaron kind of day. Aaron had his favorite foods, went to the park and played and we ended the day with a few presents and a bear cake for our air-bear (chocolate cake with chocolate whipped cream frosting mmmmm). Aaron is thankful for the calls, emails, cards and gifts. Happy birthday little boy! 
The Air-Bear Cake
Birthday lunch

Happy Birthday to Aaron! He was pretty excited about his candle. I remember from pictures from my 1st birthday that I loved the candle too. There are plenty of pictures of me trying to eat my Big Bird candle. This one for Aaron wasn't nearly as exciting. Just a candle shaped in a 1, but he found it hilarious as Kyle and Emily blew out the candle for him. 

Mmmmm cake...

This was a super sweet card Emily made for Aaron. Here she is reading it to him. 

Opening presents! 

My bathtub xylophone! Thanks Kyle & Emily!

Kyle and Emily love the tool set too! Thanks Papa & Kari!

A fun driving set. Thanks Aunt Karen, Uncle Pete & Ethan!

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