Friday, March 15, 2013

Park City - tubing

We went to Park City, Utah for some winter fun with our friends Mike, Mary and their 18 month old son Mason. We hadn't been there before so it was a new winter wonderland for us. We also hadn't been skiing for 2 years now since I was pregnant last year so it was a long overdue ski trip. And it sure didn't disappoint. It certainly ranks up there as one of our most fun trips. We all got to ski, except for Aaron. Aaron stayed back with Mason and a babysitter. Our babysitter worked out wonderfully - she is Spike's friend's cousin who lives there and had just graduated high school and a retired professional skier. So everyone got to have fun and I got a break from kid duty and got to ski. 

This will probably be several posts long to avoid the mega-post. So here is Day 1. We took a super crazy early flight - leaving at 6:15am!! Needless to say we were up super, crazy early for us. 
Jeff and Aaron in the van to the hotel. Aaron's first time forward facing, he didn't quite know what to make of it and was a bit bothered by the 9am sun in his face and that he was still awake at that hour after being woken up way too early. 

After a nap at the hotel in the kid play room with some fun fort building to create a quiet, dark place for Aaron to sleep, we decided to head out and have some fun since our room still wasn't ready after 5 hours of waiting for "just 20 more minutes". So we went to a tubing park. Aaron got to ride on the tube carousel which he enjoyed for a good bit.

Before you think we are irresponsible parents not putting a hat or gloves on the kids or making them zip their jackets, it was 60 degrees out that day. 

Kyle and Emily got to have some serious fun. They got to ride kid snowmobiles!! And then they went down the tubing runs. We got to do the tubing runs with him as we alternated who had Aaron down at the bottom. It was totally awesome! 

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