Friday, August 30, 2013


Ben and Davie were in town (or at least closer) visiting their grandparents up in Anaheim for the past 2 weeks. We took the opportunity to see them for a day up there. The kids had a wonderful time hanging out and swimming together pretty much all day. And Aaron took a great 3 hour nap there before joining the swimming party. After dinner, Josh played some piano and had all the kids riveted with his amazing skills. It was a great way to close out summer fun before school started. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Coronado beach

The kids and I are having a great week before school starts doing the San Diego thing. Today we had an awesome morning at Coronado beach. We played catch, dug to make a sand castle, went boogie boarding and chilled. Aaron got in the water and got knocked over by a wave. He was a bit stunned by it, but recovered quickly with a hug. We had only intended on staying an hour or so since Aaron would need a nap, but we ended up staying a bit longer and delaying nap for a few hours. We did try to get him to take a nap on the beach in his tent like Kyle and Emily did in Dominican when they were 3, but alas, Aaron isn't 3 and doesn't know to sit still and doesn't just nap whenever and wherever told just yet. Though, once he's in his crib for a nap, he knows and that's that. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Trampoline park

After quite a morning today (3 hours for a doctors appointment and labwork with all 3 kids - only 20 minutes of that was actual doctor meeting and labs, the rest was can imagine just how fun that was...), we went to the trampoline park this afternoon. All three kids had a great time bouncing the afternoon away. And Aaron got to play his first game of dodgeball that he has so yearned for. All he wants is to just hold the ball. He threw it to Kyle who was on the other team and was tickled to do so. 

Bouncing bear

Time for some dodgeball. Yes, that is Phil Mickelson next to the kids playing dodgeball. He was there with his kids. Such a true class act. As the kids and I were sitting down having a snack later, he was getting ready to leave right where we were sitting so I said, "Hi Mr. Mickelson. We love watching you play. Good luck to you." He shook my hand and very graciously said thanks. 

Emily flipping

Kyle flipping

Kyle, Emily & Aaron having a great time jumping. I had to take a video with this one because they were playing the song "Jump!" or at least that is what I think it should be called if it's not. 


We finally arrived back in Chicago from Milkwaukee after what should have been a 2 hour drive, but instead was 5 hours (an accident shut down the highway in both directions for 2 miles and they directed ALL traffic off the highway and on to rural roads), we were ready to not be in a car for a few days. Thankfully, Karen and Pete live in the city and we could do just that. We had a great time with them eating at their local favorite restaurants and taking in a Cubs game. We even saw some of the annual air and water (just the air part for us though) show from their rooftop. Despite going to Chicago all the time, this was the first time that we got to spend any real, quality time in the city doing city things, living the city life. And it was great fun!

Jacki reading with Aaron

On the pedi-cab going to the Cubs game at Wrigley Field!! We were finally in a place that people didn't chastise us for raising our kids Cubs fans. I know the Cubs have had a rough go for the past 100+ years, but perhaps in Kyle, Emily & Aaron's lifetime, the Cubs will pull one out and our loyal cheering will pay off. Even if not, it's still fun to be a Cubs fan, no matter where we are! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Visiting with Grandma Edith

Before our flight, we headed over to see Grandma Edith. We spent the morning at her place with her and went swimming. Kyle and Emily loved doing cannonballs into the deep end and trying to splash me as I treaded out in the middle of the deep end. Aaron loved jumping in as well. Again, he wanted to do what the big kids were doing so he would run down to the deep end to jump in. Jeff and I were right there (chasing him in the water) to catch him as he fearlessly tried to cannonball too...

Aaron gave Grandma Edith good hugs and kisses when we had to leave

Way home

A glimpse into our future... 3 of our kids across a row. There was an open seat in our row for the ride home so Aaron got his own seat instead of my lap. He sat in it with his seatbelt on for maybe 5 minutes, but he had his own seat to climb on for 4 hours. Better than wrestling with him. He didn't fall asleep like he should have for bedtime, but he was reasonably happy for most of the ride, except for the last 10 minutes when he had to stay in a seat. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Visiting with Tommy's family

We also had a day to spend with Tommy and his family before heading back home. Colleen and I took the kids to the gym where they had a great time in the playroom while Colleen worked out and I pretended to workout (I was swimming, but not very well since I no longer have my swimming lungs). Well Aaron did at first until he heard by voice about 45 minutes later when I picked up Kyle and Emily to go swimming with me. And then he cried for the next 45 minutes because he realized that I had left. He eventually recovered and took a long hard nap that afternoon from all that crying. Anyhow, the kids had a great time playing with Trevor and Addy. Aaron got his first mohawk from Aunt Colleen and Emily got her hair french braided from her as well. And I had a fun time hanging out with Colleen. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

VIsiting with Kimmy

We also got to spend a day with Kimmy and her kiddies. We had a great time catching up while the kids played. After spending the week at Grandma's house and lopping down trees in her wooded back yard, Kyle and Emily wanted to do some gardening at Kimmy's house. They found some seeds from flowers in her front yard and set to plant them around a tree. I think they really just made mud pies, but they had a great time 'gardening'. Before our day was up, we had some popsicles and went over to the local park so the kids could run off their boundless energy. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Visiting Grandma Sondra and Auntie Judy

While in the Chicago area, we went up to Milwaukee to spend time at my mom's new house. Jeff's Grandma and Aunt also lives in Milwaukee so we spent some time with them as well. Judy entertained the kids while Jeff fixed some internet issues for Grandma. 

Judy entertaining the kids with Ring Around the Rosie

Judy doing the Hokey Pokey with Aaron

I love this picture - Four generations on Jeff's mom's side: Jeff's Grandma Sondra, Jeff's Auntie Judy, Jeff and our kids. Grandma Sondra is set to celebrate her 92nd birthday at the end of August. Happy almost birthday Grandma! 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Aaron plays with Mozart

Aaron loved being around Mozart. Every time he walked by Mozart, Aaron would do his sweet little "woof" in attempts to commune with the dog. (He does this whenever he sees any dog now. Yes, I am back dating my overdue posts.) I love how in the video Aaron is trying to get Mozart to move or react or play. He puts the ball under Mozart's nose with minimal reaction, he throws the ball with minimal reaction, he let's Mozart smell his feet with minimal reaction. Mozart just wasn't going to budge for him. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Jeff reads Spider-Man with Aaron and teaches him how to shoot his spider webs

Saturday, August 10, 2013

My whole family

This is from my mom's retirement, birthday, moving party that we went in to Chicago to celebrate. This has all of my brothers and sisters and their children and Mom and Mike. I have to say we are reasonably well coordinated for not planning our colors. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Michigan City

When we landed in Chicago, we headed out to Michigan City to spend some time with Kristin and her family who were having their annual beach week on Lake Michigan. We had a fun time catching up and Kyle and Emily ran all afternoon with Ryan and Evan around the house, yard and beach, catching up right where they left off from the last time we got together. 

While I don't have any pictures from our time at their beach house, I have this picture that Pete took of us at the swimming pool at the hotel we stayed at. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Travel day

And today we headed to Chicago for a visit with family. This is what traveling looked like for us today... 

Yes, Aaron is sleeping (on Jeff's pillow) on the floor of the plane. He refused to sit on my lap and flailed around, sat down on the floor, laid down and totally passed out for the next 2.5 hours. Yes, it is gross that he's on the floor, but that's why we do laundry and showers each day. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Purple stripe

Kyle and Emily earned their purple stripe today in karate. Congratulations Kyle and Emily!