Thursday, March 20, 2014

Kyle's tennis tournament

This weekend Kyle played in a tennis tournament. He started really early Saturday morning with an 8am match. For those that know us, being up, ready, out somewhere and ready to play by 8am know that is no small feat in this late rising house. Anyhow, he did great and won his first match. He is playing under 10s because that is the youngest division.

His next march was at 11 so we went home and picked up the rest of the family. The second match didn't go as well but it was a good learning experience for Kyle who did his best. 

Emily and Aaron had a good time there. It was crazy hot out and Aaron was, well, Aaron and didn't want to sit still. So to prevent him from running onto the court, raising a ruckus or throwing a ball into the court we took turns and found a good open field to run and play on with him. In said field, he found a gem. I played soccer with Emily while Aaron played catch with a lacrosse net. Clever little boy. 

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