Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring Break Day 2: Paso Robles to Cayucos, part 1

Day 2 of spring break got off to a nice start. We had a delicious breakfast at Summerwood. The kids were thrilled with the place and the meal. It was a bit chilly out so our plans to go to the beach were quickly reconsidered. We thought about horse back riding, but that didn't happen either. Instead, we just winged it and took the day as it presented it self to us. And that was the best decision we could have made. 

We knew we were heading to Cayucos to stay that evening, but otherwise, we let the day dictate itself. About a mile down the road from our B&B toward Cayucos, there was a cute little farm that we saw and figured we should check it out. There were cats, goats and chickens roaming about and other fun farm things to enjoy. 
Driving down the road from Summerwood
The cute little farm
Kyle & Emily LOVED feeding the goats. They were named Vanilla Bean, Butterscotch & Caramel. Their interactions with the goats reminded us of when they were feeding the bunnies in Switzerland after the mirror maze. 

Aaron baaaas at the goats
As we went to the car to leave after spending over an hour there, the chickens decided they wanted to come with us to Cayucos.

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