Monday, August 18, 2014

Tea time

One of the items on our (Emily's especially) San Diego bucket list was to go have tea at the tea shop. (Last time I went to tea time was an awesome day marred by a kidney stone that night when Aaron was 3 months old. I realize full well that the tea didn't cause the stone, but it was an event that day that has marked that day in my mind.) Anyhow, we had a wonderful (and uneventful) tea time at Shakespeare's Tea Shoppe in San Diego. I think I found my new favorite tea there as well - a white coconut tea that has a taste of the tropics and only a slight amount (perfect for me) of caffeine. The little foods were delicious and a lot of fun as well. Aaron especially thought it was great since they were just his size. 
Aaron even wore his London shirt from Chryssi to mark the occasion

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