Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Umstead run

There is a nice forest preserve in Raleigh. Aaron and I took a run through there for the first time today while Kyle and Emily were at school. This was the first of what will probably be many runs in Umstead. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

No bare feet

Outside our temporary apartment, there is a little park that Aaron likes to play at. There is a sign that says "no pets allowed" and another one that says how you have to wear shoes and such. Aaron enjoys 'reading' the sign as well. It ranges from no bare feet to no bare butts! 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Pullen Park

Raleigh has a great park called Pullen Park with all kinds of fun activities for kids to do. There are several (many) playgrounds to climb around on, a train ride around the park, a little kiddie boat ride , a carousel, and paddle boats. This post is likely a combination of two trips there, but who's gonna tell?! 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Friends and a Duke game

Moving to a new city is difficult. Not knowing anyone is difficult. Kari helped change that for us. She had some friends who had just moved from Illinois to Raleigh with kids similar in age and connected us. Long story short, they are awesome and we have all become fast friends. 

Being so close to Duke, Jeff's alma matter, we took in a Duke football game together. Jeff had taken Kyle & Emily the previous weekend (Aaron desperately needed a nap) and raved about how much fun it was so we all went this weekend. 

Afterwards, the kids cooled off at the apartment complex swimming pool. 

The kids climbing trees at their house. 

They also let Aaron borrow some train tracks as he took a huge interest in them at their house. Aaron is just loving trains these days now!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Aaron on rings

Today, Aaron and I went over to Marbles to play. He loves the sports play area and got up on the rings like Emily. He did a flip and was so happy to be just like his big sister doing gymnastics. 

Friday, September 5, 2014


So our start in Raleigh was rocky to say the least. Nothing like going from paradise and routine and familiarity to sweltering heat and not knowing anything. And living in a hotel for 2 weeks. With kids. And an impossible school situation. And no good vegetarian options. And macaroni and cheese as a vegetable. Now don't get me wrong, I love mac and cheese, but I also need vegetables and there is just no way that it is truly a vegetable as it is considered here. I digress. But my point is that the adjustment was (and is) very difficult. Less difficult now that we have moved into our house, but still hard starting over from scratch. So we made sure to have some fun for our sake and the kids' sakes. 

Trip to Marbles Kid's Museum
A little amusement park on a crazy hot day while our car got cleaned out. That morning we went to drive Jeff to work (our van hadn't arrived yet despite promises to the contrary) and it was filled with ants. Two hours, an Uber for Jeff, and a bottle of lysol later, I had cleaned out enough of the ants to get it to a car wash place to do the rest. Mercifully, there was a little amusement park type place for the kids across the parking lot. This was right after moving into our temporary apartment. We took this apartment because (1) it was the only one available on short (1 day) notice, (2) it was fully furnished, (3) they allowed 30 day rental and (4) it fed into a good school for the kids. Yea, nothing says welcome to your new (temporary) place like a million ants crawling through your car. 

Emily decorated her bedside stand with her sweet picture from best friend Haiden. 

Bear passed out in a huge bed.