Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Track out

Kyle and Em were off for the better part of September. This was essentially their summer break. Kids on this track actually get June off, but the new school year starts in July so they didn't get the June break because that was technically last school year's break when they were on a different track. 

Anyhow, we had some fun over their break. We went ice skating several times. We sure were missing Simon there. The second time we went, our friends came along with us and they all ended up skating for 3 hours (with breaks of course). 

We also visited a pumpkin / fall farm with friends. The kids had a blast seeing the animals, riding the slide, burying themselves in corn, jumping on the magic pillow and panning for rocks. 
All the kids buried in corn
Aaron pushing Annie on the swing

Saturday, September 19, 2015

NU v Duke football game

Duke was playing Northwestern at Duke this year. Being a divided house for this game, we went to the game to support both teams. Aaron and I had on both NU & Duke gear. Kyle and Em don't have NU gear that currently fits them so they were decked out in Duke. And Jeff was in Duke gear of course. The game was loads of fun despite the blazing temperatures and zero shade. Northwestern pulled off a great win though Duke did look good. 

Family football game selfie
Aaron with his NU shirt and 5 Duke hats. Because you need 5 hats. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Emily reading to Aaron

This is just cute. Emily reading with Aaron at home together. Some Curious George. LOVE. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Aaron Yoda

Aaron loves Star Wars. I think I've said that before. Aaron will be Yoda for Halloween so he now has his Yoda mask. He loves wearing it anywhere and everywhere. He is so 3 years old. And very cute. 
While eating lunch
This is his wound (between his eyes) from light sabering the ground, losing his footing and falling face first on the ground. Moral of the story: don't light saber the ground. 
When going swimming
When you wake up
Before nap

While napping (note the sword decapitating Darth Vader on top of the garbage truck)

While getting yogurt from the fridge

While drinking said yogurt

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Aaron basketball

Aaron was so excited to have a sports class for him. We signed him up for a little peewee basketball skills class. The class itself was a bit of a mess as the teacher seemed to think having 3 year olds play a basketball game was a good idea (3 year old fight club is what it looked like), but Aaron enjoyed getting to dribble the ball and shoot on the little basket. 
He shoots, he scores!!