After visiting Cedarburg and Jeff's grandma's 95th birthday celebration, we headed to Lake Geneva for some family time with Jeff's family. We went out on a boat and did some tubing, rode the water slides at the hotel, played tennis and basketball at the fitness center, and enjoyed some good food and great family time together.

Kyle & Ben were tubing buddies

Emily & Leo tubing

Sweet picture of Emily & Daniella

Jeff tubing with Aaron!

Catching air!

Emily & Papa were tubing buddies

Kari, Kyle & Ben

Somehow Jeff convinced me to go on the boat...


And he got me out on a tube with him. It was certainly fun and a good arm workout holding on for dear life.

Aaron rode a pony while we were at the fitness center (after his nap).

Aaron became a master at the monkey bars in the pool
And he had no fear of the tube slide and rode it countless times with various partners.

Mmmmm taco dinner.
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