Saturday, April 8, 2017

Carolina Hurricanes

Our realtor had a client appreciation night and treated everyone to a hockey game. Jeff has always wanted to go to a professional hockey game so this was a perfect opportunity to check this item off the bucket list. We don't really follow hockey so we didn't know where either team stood in terms of playoffs or even the season, but it was awesome nonetheless. Before the game even started, our realtor told us we won some raffle so we were gifted a gift card to a great taco restaurant in town. Wahoo! The game was fun and seemed relatively high scoring for hockey. And it even went to overtime. And it was still tied so we got to see a shootout! Talk about getting your hockey's worth! Pretty incredible! The Hurricanes weren't on the winning side of things, but it was great to see the full cycle of a hockey game for our first professional game! 

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