Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Years

Happy 2018! We rang in 2018 with great friends from high school, one of which moved here the same time as us. Another drove in for the festivities. The kids all had a blast together and enjoyed staying up to midnight. This was the first time we didn't celebrate 2 time zones ahead New Years in order to be in bed at a reasonable time. :-)  

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Ski jumping

Olympic ski jump trials were in Park City ahead of the February Olympics. Everyone and their uncle was there so we parked at the bottom of the mountain and hiked up the steep mile plus in snow to enjoy this. Totally worth it. Watching these jumpers fly through the air was incredible! And in between (commercial breaks) there were kids jumping as well. Hopefully, Kyle, Emily & Aaron don't get too many ideas. 
Aaron was pretty unhappy because his feet hurt so much from the long hike up. We waited for a bus for the ride down though that would have been the easier hike. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Jazz game

Tonight we were lucky enough to take in a Jazz game. Jeff got the company seats for the game so we had a pretty sweet view of the action. This was the kids' first NBA game. Jeff and I both remember going to Bulls games growing up, back when the Bulls were crushing it and the games were a lot of fun. The Jazz game did not disappoint either! 

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Emily concert

Emily is playing the flute this year and enjoying it. Her school put on a winter holiday concert for the school and parents.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Aaron skiing

Some video of Aaron skiing after his first ski lesson of the season.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Ski season 2017

Kicking off ski season 2017-2018. The kids all started with lessons to get them up to local snuff. They had a great time and Jeff and I had 3 full days of skiing our local mountain.