Sunday, December 28, 2008
hooray for emily!
So we've been working on potty training this last week. We started last Saturday afternoon with both and Emily has been accident free since last Sunday! Kyle decided he wasn't quite ready so he's taking a break for now though he did enjoy aiming at Cheerios, "peeing like Daddy" when we could get him to the potty! Now this morning, I was watching the kids. Well not watching so well (I was typing out recipes) because I called out for Emily and couldn't find her right away in eyesight. Anyhow, I walk down the hall calling her name and find her on the potty. She had got herself all ready and sat down on the potty and did her poops! She was sitting there wiping when I came in! She proclaimed as I walked in, "I did some poops Mommy!" It was amazing! She totally gets it. If she has to go, she goes to the potty and goes! Simply amazing and we barely even had to do anything for potty training for her since she's such a willing participant as long as she has her Princess, Ariel or Dora undies! She will now wake up from naps saying she has to go potty. She's done with being messy and diapers! Woohoo!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
conversing twins
As Jeff and I were preparing tonight's dinner of puerco pibil, Kyle and Emily were playing nearby on the floor with the drawer full of hair accessories. Grandma gave Emily French Braids this morning and got to pull out our old hair ties, bows, barrettes, etc. So the kids were having a great time playing with that. And here is the conversation they had:
Kyle: "I geeseema!" (bellisima)
Emily: "No, I'm beeseema!"
Kyle: "I'm geeseema!"
Emily: "No, you guapo Kyle!"
Kyle: "No, I not guapo. I geeseema!"
Emily: "No, Kyle. You a boy. You guapo!"
Kyle: "I not a boy, I a girl! I geeseema!"
Kyle will probably be mad at me for saving this conversation later, but it sure was cute! It was pretty amazing to hear their full conversation with logic!
Kyle: "I geeseema!" (bellisima)
Emily: "No, I'm beeseema!"
Kyle: "I'm geeseema!"
Emily: "No, you guapo Kyle!"
Kyle: "No, I not guapo. I geeseema!"
Emily: "No, Kyle. You a boy. You guapo!"
Kyle: "I not a boy, I a girl! I geeseema!"
Kyle will probably be mad at me for saving this conversation later, but it sure was cute! It was pretty amazing to hear their full conversation with logic!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Ice cream
New videos posted in posts below (singing post). And here's another for your viewing pleasure - Emily singing "Ice Cream"
Friday, December 12, 2008
big hugs

Thursday, December 11, 2008
princesses and choo-choos
So we did a little shopping today and the kids got to choose some underpants. We are starting to try potty training. This basically means we practice going potty when they tell us they have to go. And in the afternoon we put on underpants instead of diapers and really work on keeping undies clean by using the potty. So since Emily woke up from her nap, she has been asking for her princess underpants. She now has them on and has been jumping up and down with joy, proclaiming, "I got some new underpants!" Kyle isn't awake yet, so he doesn't have his on just yet.
So Kyle has changed a lot in the past 2 weeks. Ever since we went to Florida with Jeff's entire family, he has been much more outgoing. Emily has typically been the more outgoing of the two, but that did flip-flop sometimes. So Kyle runs around a whole lot more - like wound up crazy running - and sings songs. He had been relatively shy and would hang back with myself or Jeff until he got comfortable in a new place / with a situation. Now he warms up faster and gets right in the mix of the craziness! I think it was being with all of his boy cousins! Don't get me wrong, he ran around a lot before, but now he likes to chase Emily and they run around shrieking!
And they both have a new thing singing songs. Every night, we sing Kyle & Emily songs while they are in their cribs. They have their request list that they always rattle off so we know what to sing. Well, Kyle has been singing along with us for "I'm a Little Teapot" and Emily for the "ABCs". And they both sing for both songs now. It's really cute. And yesterday and today we got them to do a little concert for us singing "I'm a Little Teapot" and the "ABCs"! I will have to post the videos of that later on here when I get it off the camera (which will likely be forever from now!). It was way too cute!
And Emily, she too has undergone some change in the past few weeks. She is really vocal, asking about everything. Looking in the office, she pointed to all of the machines and said, "What is that Mommy?" And she is very expressive of what she likes. When she sees something, she picks it up and says, "Oooooh Mommy, I love this!!!" It's really sweet!!
Kyle & Emily sing "I'm a Little Teapot"
And they both have a new thing singing songs. Every night, we sing Kyle & Emily songs while they are in their cribs. They have their request list that they always rattle off so we know what to sing. Well, Kyle has been singing along with us for "I'm a Little Teapot" and Emily for the "ABCs". And they both sing for both songs now. It's really cute. And yesterday and today we got them to do a little concert for us singing "I'm a Little Teapot" and the "ABCs"! I will have to post the videos of that later on here when I get it off the camera (which will likely be forever from now!). It was way too cute!
And Emily, she too has undergone some change in the past few weeks. She is really vocal, asking about everything. Looking in the office, she pointed to all of the machines and said, "What is that Mommy?" And she is very expressive of what she likes. When she sees something, she picks it up and says, "Oooooh Mommy, I love this!!!" It's really sweet!!
Kyle & Emily sing "I'm a Little Teapot"
Jeff singing "I'm a Little Teapot"
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
language funnies
So Kyle & Emily have been talking really well for some time. It's really a wonder what goes on in their head as they learn new words and process everything that is going on around them. So a few funny / interesting language items:
Spicy milk: While we were in Florida we gave them a sippy cup of milk during dinner. Kyle, who normally LOVES milk, said "milk is spicy". Now Emily has been proclaiming a lot of things spicy and just won't really eat spicy food. So we thought Kyle was just messing around with us saying the milk is spicy. Jeff responds that "the milk isn't spicy, that's silly!" But both are now insisting the milk is spicy. So Jeff says, "no, the milk isn't spicy. I'll take a sip." Now Jeff has a very discerning nose for milk as it approaches it's due date. Jeff took one sniff or maybe a small sip and was shocked. The milk was sour which the kids expressed as spicy! So for the next few days they would both tell us "no drink spicy milk" or "milk is not spicy!" It's amusing how some things are expressed.
Guapo and bellisima: So when Spike gives the kids their bath, she makes it really fun and interesting. When brushing their hair afterwards, she tells them that she will make Kyle guapo and Emily gets bellisima. I was brushing their hair the other day after a bath and told Kyle that I was going to make him guapo and I was going to make Emily bellisima. He got most upset about that. He wanted to be "gee-see-ma just like Emilily!" I tried to explain that boys get guapo and girls get bellisima but he just wasn't having it. So I tried telling him he could be bellisimo, but he insisted that he wanted to be "gee-see-ma!" And now Emily sometimes ask to be guapo! I wonder if Italian kids go through this!
Comforting words: So the kids are really nice to each other and great at comforting one another. This morning, Emily told me that her milk was spicy again! I smelled the milk and confirmed that it was not in fact spicy. I relayed that to her and then Kyle jumped in. Says Kyle, "Emilily, drink your milk. It's yummy! It's not spicy!" How sweet is that?!
New names: So I just published this post and had to come back in to add this - Emily is a few feet away looking for something. And she declares, "it's by Momilily (read: momi-lee-lee)!" They are getting so creative and extending what they already know and using it. So Kyle we often call "Kylissimo" and Emily "Emilita" and "Emillily (read: Emma-lee-lee)" and now sometimes "Emilissima" or "Emilissimo". What goes on in their brains is just amazing!!
Diapers: Grandma watched Kyle & Emily last night while we went out to a movie. Apparently Kyle's diaper got so soaked (he LOVES milk) that when Grandma stripped him down after dinner in preparation for bath time, Kyle started patting his diaper and called it "mashed potato diaper" because it was so full and squishy! I'm thinking he actually called it "mashed do-pato diaper" because that's just how he says potato. Pretty funny and where does he come up with these things?!
Also, earlier in the day, Emily made a poop in her diaper. She comes up to me and says, "change Emmie's dookies!" It was hilarious! Aunt Kristin calls poops dookies and Emily has taken a liking to it! Jeff being a "Dukie", I had to call and tell him about Emmie's new vocabulary word!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Someone taught Kyle & Emily to count in Spanish!! Sadly, I don't know if it was their babysitter who is from Argentina and speaks fluently and is just amazing or if they got it from a toy that also counts in Spanish or if it is from Dora. Nonetheless, we love it! I had no idea they knew it until about 3 weeks ago when Kyle was taking pieces of cheese and salami from his plate and putting them on the counter and counting - "uno, dos, fres, waffle, cinco!" I was putting away dishes but heard this and spied as he did this. I asked him to repeat because it was so amazing! He did and proudly counted again in Spanish! Now loving that "cuatro" is "waffle" I called in Jeff so he could hear it! Now when we ask him to count, he knows we just want to hear him say waffle, but he amuses us and loves showing off his Spanish counting skills. And Emily, too, knows how to count in Spanish, but she actually says "cuatro" and is very proud of her counting.
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008
3 little monkeys...
climbing in a tree... So we're in Boston with Kyle & Emily's cousin Jadon and we're all having a great time. This morning, Jeff & Eric took the kids for a picnic in the park. It was nearly 60 degrees out! In Boston! In November!! Woohoo!! (That also meant a great run for me and Stephanie!) Here is a great picture of the kids climbing in a tree. 

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
boys and girls

a running theme...

So first, the kids are loving having Spike and Shasta around. During the day, Shasta is a good source of amusement for the kids. They like using Shasta as a driving course for Kyle's green tractor and Emily's Dora bus. Furthermore, they play doctor with Shasta. They gave her surgery the other day to remove her belly button, like they do with one another or us. With scissors of course! Shasta doesn't seem to mind one bit!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008
personalities emerging

Kyle is really into cars, choo-choos and airplanes. He found a few train cars and figured out that they go together magnetically and put a 3 car train together all on his own. His favorite food is still probably lentil soup, beans and pretty much anything you put in the little traveling cereal bowl. He loves Puff the Magic Dragon and The Very Hungry Caterpillar books. And he still loves playing guitar - or tigar as he calls it. His favorite song is La Bamba as sung by Hullabaloo. He's excited to see them play for his Stroller Strides group. His favorite shape - doesn't everyone have a favorite shape?- is an octagon, closely followed by diamonds. The other day as we were walking through the neighborhood, he pointed to his left and excitedly said "yellow diamond!" There was a yellow diamond sign that said "bump" off to his left! Amazing! And then on the way home, he saw the back of a STOP sign and even though it was the back and silver, he said "red octagon!" Pretty cool!!
Emily is really into princesses. She recently got a Cinderella princess boo-boo ball and is always saying she has an owie so that she can look at Cinderella. She has diversified from Dora! And she really loves books, asking to read stories all day long. Among her favorites are Puff & Caterpillar, but she also loves the Dora books, ABC, 123, shapes and duckie books. She too is a big fan of La Bamba. Her favorite food is still cheese, but she loves fruit twists and lollipops (vitamin C lollipops we got when we were all sick). Jeff took the kids to the zoo the other week and they had a blast. The zoo conveniently situates their gift shop right by the exit and the kids suckered Daddy into getting them giant stuffed animals. Kyle chose a giraffe and Emily chose a Cheetah. When we asked her what her cheetahs name is, she replied "Shasta mommy!" How cute! Soon though, she will learn that cheetahs are cats and Shasta is a golden lab dog, but for the meantime, she things this giant cheetah is Shasta's mommy! Speaking of names, Emily has learned her full name - Emily Beth. And Kyle knows his - Kyle Thomas. When we pointed out that Kyle's middle name is Thomas, Emily started saying his name as Kyle Choo-Choo, just like Thomas the Choo-Choo. And since Kyle gets to have his middle name share the name of a train, she insited that her middle name was Dora - Emily Dora! How funny!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008
Emily's 2 year anniversary of coming home!
So today
is Emily's 2 year anniversary of coming home from the hospital!! For those of you keeping score, yes, that was nearly 5 weeks after she was born - 33 days to be exact. She was born on a Sunday and came home on a Friday one month and 2 days after her birthday, after a long time in the NICU working
out many health issues. She had to have a ventilator, CPAP and oxygen to help her breathe. She had profusion difficulties likely caused by her PDA - no not a Palm or Blackberry, but a hole in her
heart. On top of all this, she had a lot of bruising likely because her cord was around her neck twice so couldn't open her eyes for a few days. And then she had to learn how to coordinate her sucking, swallowing, and breathing while eating. The things that just seem automatic have to be developed / learned in a preemie! Poor little girl! But she fought well and conquered all these difficulties quickly, all the while growing bigger, taller and stronger!

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