Thursday, October 29, 2009


I am many posts behind!! At the end of October, we had a fantastic trip to Boston to visit with Kyle and Emily's cousins. We also went last year at this time, for Halloween. Stephanie said Halloween on Beacon hill was not to be missed. And she sure is right! It is a great time. And even more great is spending time with Eric, Stephanie, Jadon and Brennan. The fall foliage was beautiful and swinging in the park with Jadon was loads of fun!!

And this year we dressed up for the kids. We think this helped them as last year Kyle refused to wear his costume. Emily was Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) and Kyle was to be a knight. But he flat out refused to wear his costume. This year Emily decided she wanted to be a ladybug and picked out her costume. Kyle decided on a monkey and also chose his costume. We took it a step further and had them pick out costumes for us. And shockingly, Emily chose a ladybug costume for me and Kyle chose a monkey costume for Jeff. It was really quite sweet. There are many more pictures from the day, but I haven't gotten them just yet. In time.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pear picking

I know I am cheating posting this months later and back-dating it, but I just went through Jeff's pictures and sent them in to the blog for posting.  But these were some fun memorable times so they need to be posted for the kids!

In the fall, we took the kids pear picking in Julian.  Julian is a cute little hilly old-western town about an hour or so outside of San Diego.  In fall they are known for their apple and now pear picking, wineries and pies.  In the winter, San Diegans go there to see snow.  The day we went, it must have been 100 degrees out, but it didn't stop us from having a great time picking pears and having tea. We picked a load of pears which were quite good, but the trouble was once we brought them home, let them ripen a bit more and cut them open, they had worms in them!  Yuck!  (And yes, I realize that there were likely worms in the ones we at there...) Now whenever we cut open a pear, the kids ask if there are worms in them...

And tea time was good fun.  It was a tiny tea house with about a million breakable things in there and thankfully we didn't break anything!  Whew!  The kids loved the adultness of tea time and had their own kiddie tea.  And they particularly enjoyed the little finger foods that go with tea. 

Bringing the pears to Emily.

Kyle LOVED using the picker to reach the high ones.

Emily gets a boost!


Look at my pear!

Jeff & Kyle at tea. 

Emily sips her tea.

Kyle sips his tea.

Mommy & Emily at tea.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kyle loves Miko

Kyle is such a sweet boy. He sure loves his Miko! This totally ranks up there for him in the sweetness category... He tucked his Miko into his bed, read him his favorite book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and then sang him a song!
Miko tucked in... "In the light of the moon..."

See the picture Miko!

On Friday he ate...

Mommy, I'm reading Miko a story before he goes for his rest!

Kyle also sang Miko The Miko Song.  Way too sweet!

(We sing the Miko and Deedee** song each night before bedtime.  They are songs we made up for them that go to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star...)

The Miko Song for Kyle

Miko, Miko, sweet little monkey
He likes to eat his bananas chunky.

Miko, Miko belongs with Kyle
Miko, Miko always makes him smile

Miko, Miko, sweet little monkey
He likes to eat his bananas chunky.

The Deedee song for Emily

Deedee, Deedee sweet little woobie, 
Emily loves her woobie, goodie!

Deedee has corners, four of them, 
Emily likes to rub and chew on them.

Deedee, Deedee sweet little woobie, 
Emily loves her woobie, goodie! 

How did these names come about:
Miko: We were asking what the Spanish name for monkey was and were told miko, mono and chongo.  For a while Kyle's monkey was called Miko Mono, but he became Miko and now even responds to Meeks.
Deedee: Emily received her deedee from Aunt Kristin and Uncle David when she was about 5 months old.  We referred to it as her blankie and woobie (from the 'hit' '80'smovie Mr. Mom).  When Emily started to talk, blankie and woobie came out as Deedee and thus the name was born.  She can now say blankie and woobie, but that is just a descriptor of what it is, Deedee (and sometimes Deeds)is her woobie's name! 

Cookie conversation

Tonight for dessert, we had Oreo cookies.  And we also had some pretty interesting conversations...

Kyle: Daddy, where did your cookie go?
Daddy: It's in my belly!  Yummy!
Kyle [to his cookie]: Would you like to go in my belly?
[Kyle waiting for an answer to his ever so polite question to the cookie!]
Jeff [in disguised voice]: Yes!!
Kyle: Okay, get in my belly!!
Kyle [chomp, enjoys his Oreo]

Now for Emily's cookie, she wasn't interested in exchanging pleasantries with her cookie, my little sweet tooth just wanted to devour it!
Emily: Cookie, get in my belly!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Handy Kyle

Kyle is quite the handyman. He helps me change the lightbulbs on the stairway. He's very focused and intent on his work.

Kung Fu twins

Bundo, this is for you! Thank you for the Kung Fu outfits from China!! We love them!

Trying to do Karate Kid's Crane

Good kicking extension Kyle!

Thank you!

Wow, we're so silky!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What a day Wednesday!

We had a great Wednesday!  First we started with some gymnastics which Kyle and Emily are really enjoying these days. 

Kyle doing some hoop jumping.

Emily's turn to jump the hoops.

Then we went to the mall for some quick shopping, but first we drank our Oreos ("Daddy's favorite cookie!") in a delicious milkshake.  "Oreo!"

Then we headed to the Apple store where we stayed for the next hour and a half playing computer games.  The kids had a great time playing Dora and Diego computer games and really progressed with their mouse skills!  Oh and we bought the software we went there for. 

Playing Dora.  They started off a bit shaky using a mouse, but really grasped it after a very short while.  And boy did they have a great time playing their games!

Emily matching shapes playing Dora

Kyle matching shapes playing Dora

Kyle onto playing Diego which was a bit more complicated and more fine motor skill than Dora.

Emily mastering Diego.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Not sure this will be as funny as it was at the time, but it was pretty priceless and another reminder that the kids don't quite understand sarcasm just yet!
Kathleen:  Did you eat all of those [Nilla wafer] cookies goob?!
Emily:  Yeah, but I got two more.
Kathleen:  Wow!  You're going to turn into a cookie!
Emily [eyes welling up, about to burst into crying]:  But I don't wanna...
Kathleen:  Don't worry honey!  I was just joking.
Emily [still choking down years]:  [laughs] yeah....  That'd be silly!
And later in the car as she finished her cookies, she kept reminding herself that it'd be so silly for her to turn into a cookie!  She totally had to keep convincing herself!

tommy marathon

It was a busy sporting two days this past weekend!  Tommy ran the Chicago marathon on Sunday and totally rocked!!  Not only did he get a PR, at 3:06:20, but his awesome time qualified him for Boston!  Great work Tommy!  We are very proud of you!! 


Thursday, October 8, 2009


Daddy:  Have a nice rest Emily & Kyle!

Emily: I don't wanna go to bed!

Kyle: Ladybug has to go to bed!

Emily's new alternate personality is a ladybug.  She often tells us she's a ladybug and what ladybug wants and doesn't want.  Now she's got Kyle in on her game!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Daddy did bathtime tonight with the kiddies. He got them to do the washing and taught them how to blow soap bubbles!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Go Daddy go!

Jeff did the Mission Bay triathlon today!  We got up crazy early to go cheer him on!!  Kyle & Emily did great cheering for Daddy and their friend's Daddy as well. Great work Daddy!

Daddy coming out of the water.  He's on the right in the red shirt that you can see his number on.  It was barely after 7am when he was done swimming so the sun was barely up.

Daddy coming in from the bike!

Daddy going out for the run!  (Left center of the picture in red shirt)

Daddy coming around the corner for the run finish!

Daddy nearly done with the run!  Go Daddy go!

Jeff and Emmy post race.

Daddy thanking his cheering squad.

Daddy checking out the signs - Go Daddy go!  Bike Daddy bike!  Run Daddy run!!

Kyle riding the bike.