Thursday, July 15, 2010

Emily's week

This week, Kyle is in sports camp and Emily and I are spending time together. Monday we went to the Chula Vista Nature Center. We saw some pretty cool birds up close - owls, bald eagles, clapper rails - and some aquatic creatures - sting rays, bat rays, sharks, and baby sea turtles. We were watching the rail go fishing in the pond which was quite amusing.

Tuesday was princess day after Emily's 4 year check up. We both wore dresses, Emily choosing both of ours. We had a princess tea party, made crowns, necklaces and bracelets out of pipe cleaners, colored princess pictures and watched a princess movie.

We also spent a few days at the beach in Coronado relaxing, building sand castles, and running in the waves. It was a great week spent with Emily, just focusing on her and what she wanted to do.

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