Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!! We started our day off with a breakfast potluck in the neighborhood. All the kids decorated their bikes for the bike parade later in the day around the promenade. Later in the afternoon the festivities started again with a potluck dinner, the bike parade and a cotton candy machine. Kyle and Emily had a blast playing with the kids and riding their patriotic bikes. Kyle was sure it was a race as you can see in the video.

We finished the evening off at a friend's house who lives up up on the hill so we could see all of the bay fireworks from their patio. Pretty spectacular. The kids - 1.5, 3, 3 & 6 - loved the fireworks and gave us a play by play. They had impressive energy for being up so late. I think it was 10:45 before Kyle and Emily went to bed!

The view of the fireworks, but without any fireworks going off. Yes, Kyle wasn't too keen on the big booms, but dealt very well with it.

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